UPA 21 Century Digital Perforation Reader

Request your free UPA C21st Digital Perforation Reader here.


Fill in your details below and we will post you your very own FREE C21st Digital Perforation Reader (DPR). You just pay £1 for registration. The App is free to use for the first 30 days. Then £2.49 per month or £24.95 annually.

Pay just £1 to cover registration. This offer is single use only for new registrations.

Introductory offer

Please register for your DPR account
    Strength: Very Weak
    Please contact me with information regarding DPR and UPA offers
    DPR Initial Registration(£1.00)
    Payment by Credit, Debit Card or Paypal
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    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount :
    Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount:


    1. To use your new DPR just scan the QR code on the front of the card with your smartphone to load the DPR App.
    2. Place your stamp onto the plain black reverse of the card. Place it roughly in the middle so that it’s clear of the edges. The card should be ‘landscape’ oriented and photographed with your phone held vertical.
    3. Select ‘Upload image’ in the app and upload a photograph of the stamp
    4. Wait a couple of seconds while the App calculates the perforations and then the results will be displayed beneath the image of your stamp.
    5. You may then save your results or click ‘refresh’ to read another stamp.